Friday 6 December 2013

Lin Kerr Workshop: 'The Art of Herman Killian'

 After a run-through of the classical proportions of each letter of the alphabet, Scribes began by tracing Killian's letters from an exemplar of his work, and then designing ligatures linking different combinations of letters and initials. When we felt confident in how to handle Killian's style then Lin showed us how to draw a short phrase inside a circle using Killian style.

The last word is from Lin herself from her blog: "We used Herman Killian's work as a starting point, analysing his letter forms in relation to Trajan Caps. The Northumbrian Scribes are a very active society and there were 22 attendees, with a wide range right up to two members in their nineties. This says something about how friendly and inclusive the society is."

(If you would like to see more of Lin's own work then visit her website at